Check in

Check In Time      3:00pm

Check Out Time  10:00am*
We will arrange a time with you to come and pick up the keys, answer any questions and make sure you are safely on your way.

Note: *Departures past 11:00am will be charged a full days rental at the maximum rate of $300 USD, as time is required to replenish the home for the next guests arrival at 3:00pm

Airport Transfer
We recommend taking a taxi from the airport to Casablanca Living. It is very easy to arrange at the front entrance of the airport, and the ride is only about 20 minutes. Once you pay them for the taxi fair (approximately $250 Pesos) you will be given a ticket that you will present to the taxi driver immediately in front of the Kiosk. We simply ask that you let us know when you are leaving the airport, so we can meet you at the house.

Should you have any questions, thoughts or want to plan some dates, Contact Us today and start planning your vacation memories with us at today!

We truly look forward to seeing you here and help make your vacation spectacular and memorable!

“Thank you for visiting us!”

Steve and Sanda