Please remember that you are renting our home and not a hotel room. There will not be daily maid services with change of sheets and towels. We do, however, provide many wonderful amenities and necessities including soaps, toilet paper and usual amenities. View or Amenities page for more details.
We will provide you with details about our home and the surrounding areas, but keep in mind that we are not associated with car rental companies, travel agents or able to provide concierge services on a 24 hour basis. This is a Self-Catering rental and all responsibility for making your stay successful is up to you. We are here to help guide you in any direction you wish to make your holiday a wonderful time and experience.
You will quickly get into “Living like Yacatecan”, so be prepared to truly relax!. As you become part of the community, by becoming a regular at the various shops and markets, you’ll soon realize how quick you’ll pick up a bit of the Spanish language and be part of the Merida experience.
Should you have any questions, thoughts or want to plan some dates, Contact Us today and start planning your vacation memories with us at today!
We truly look forward to seeing you here and help make your vacation spectacular and memorable!
“Thank you for visiting us!”
Steve and Sanda